
Board of Directors

The Golf Club Varese Board of Directors, composed of experienced and passionate members, guides the activities of one of the most prestigious golf clubs in the region with dedication and expertise.

Umberto Gandini


Fabio Fedi

Vice President

Federico Dal Verme

Vice President

Alessandro Casale


Gregorio Clerici


Alessandra Ferraris


Ferretto Ferretti


Lorna Jessica Gonzalez


Riccardo Nicora


Varesina Golf S.p.A.

The Varesina Golf joint-stock company was incorporated, in the legal form then in force, as a joint stock company in 1927 under the name Golf Real Estate Company.

The share capital was 50,000 liras (50 shares of 1,000 liras each) and the shares were subscribed by entrepreneurs from Milan (including Piero and Alberto Pirelli) and Varese (primarily the Mazzuchelli, Trolli and Cattaneo families), the most important local bank of the time (Credito Varesino) and Ferrovie Nord Milano.

The purpose of the Society was !to operate in Luvinate the practice of the game of golf.” To this end it was decided to purchase the complex known as the “Monastery of St. Antonino,” which included, in addition to the monastery with cloister, also cottages and land dehgradant towards Lake Varese “in order to have a golf course and a worthy clubhouse.”

The properties were purchased in 1931 by the Pious Institute of the Sons of Providence, and the design for the construction of the golf course was entrusted to the architectural firm of Englishmen Gannon and Bladford. In two years ,from 1931 to 1933, 9 holes were built (the current 1,2,10,11, 12,13(par 4), 16(par 5), 17,18). Architect Ulrich was then commissioned to adapt the existing building structures into suitable premises for a new golf club. The Church became the ClubHouse, the locker rooms were placed in the monastery, and the turret known as the Abbess’s became the Golf Secretariat’s room.

The building complex and 9-hole golf course was opened in 1934.

After World War II, in 1955 , on the insistent advice of Ettore Muzio, then Secretary of the Golf Club, the Golf Real Estate Company acquired more land and it was decided to build 9 more holes, entrusting the design to Swiss architect Peter Harradine. In 1957, the second nine holes were finished and a new course order was established, which then has been maintained to this day.

During the following years, a restaurant hall was built in one wing of the building complex, designed by architect Ravasi, and then the upper part of the old building was renovated and used as an assembly hall and for social activities, designed by architects Crespi and Spampinato of Gallarate.

The Golf Real Estate Company after the war became the Varesina Società per Azioni del Golf.

The share capital is 376,070 euros fully paid up.

Carlo Mascioni


Enrico Nicolini

Vice President

Stefano Castelnovo


Sergio Ercoli


Francesca Longari


Laura Porrini


Giampaolo Prevosti


Visit the Arboreal Park

Visit the Golf Club Varese Arboreal Park and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. Explore the shady paths surrounded by ancient trees, admire the variety of plant species, and enjoy a quiet moment away from the hustle and bustle of the city. An unforgettable experience for nature lovers and golf enthusiasts.